Net Zero Cloud: Salesforce’s Path to Zero Emissions (And Beyond)

Net Zero Cloud Salesforce

Salesforce, a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions, has made a bold commitment to achieving Net Zero cloud emissions by 2040. This ambitious goal aligns with the global imperative to mitigate climate change and create a more sustainable future.

What does “Net Zero” mean? Net Zero emissions refers to a state where the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere is balanced by an equal amount removed. This delicate balance is crucial for stabilizing global temperatures and averting the worst effects of climate change.

Salesforce’s commitment to Net Zero encompasses its entire cloud platform, including its infrastructure, data centers, and applications. By adopting rigorous sustainability practices, Salesforce aims to eliminate its carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, greener future.

Key Strategies for Net Zero


Salesforce’s comprehensive strategy for achieving Net Zero involves a multi-pronged approach:

  • Renewable Energy: Salesforce is transitioning its data centers to 100% renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. This shift will significantly reduce the company’s reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Energy Efficiency: Salesforce is implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices across its operations. These measures will optimize energy consumption and minimize the environmental impact of its facilities.
  • Carbon Offsets: Salesforce will invest in high-quality carbon offset projects to neutralize unavoidable emissions. These initiatives will support reforestation, renewable energy development, and other climate-mitigating activities.
  • Innovation: Salesforce is fostering innovation in sustainable cloud computing technologies. The company is exploring breakthrough solutions, including zero-carbon data centers and artificial intelligence-driven energy optimization.
  • Customer Engagement: Salesforce is collaborating with its customers and partners to drive collective action towards Net Zero. By providing tools and resources, Salesforce empowers its ecosystem to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future.

Benefits of Net Zero


Salesforce’s commitment to Net Zero will bring numerous benefits:

  • Environmental Impact: Reducing carbon emissions will safeguard the planet, preserve biodiversity, and mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Business Value: Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to customers, investors, and employees. Net Zero operations will enhance Salesforce’s value proposition and competitive advantage.
  • Employee Engagement: Striving for Net Zero will foster a culture of purpose and inspire employees to contribute to a meaningful cause.
  • Innovation: The pursuit of Net Zero will drive innovation and the development of cutting-edge sustainable technologies.

Salesforce’s Leadership


Salesforce’s Net Zero commitment is a testament to its leadership in sustainability. The company has long recognized the importance of environmental stewardship and has been a driving force in promoting responsible cloud computing. By setting ambitious targets and implementing comprehensive strategies, Salesforce is creating a roadmap for other organizations to follow in their pursuit of a more sustainable future.

Net Zero Cloud Pledge

Salesforce proudly stood beside other tech titans in signing the Net Zero Cloud Pledge, a pact that binds signatories to slash their carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. Moreover, signatories vow to render their cloud services and data centers carbon neutral by 2050. This fervent pledge is a testament to Salesforce’s unwavering commitment to safeguards our planet.

The Net Zero Cloud Pledge: A Green Crusade

Launched in 2021, the Net Zero Cloud Pledge is the brainchild of two visionary organizations – the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and the Green Software Foundation (GSF). These stewards are driving the technological revolution toward a sustainable future, with the support of some of the planet’s most prominent enterprises. Over 90 organizations have enthusiastically joined the pledge, including tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon Web Services (AWS), all with the shared objective: to decarbonize the cloud.

The cloud industry’s burgeoning carbon footprint is a sobering reality. The relentless surge in data storage and computing power has left an undeniable mark on the planet’s health. The Net Zero Cloud Pledge is a resounding call to action, a catalyst in the fight against environmental degradation. Salesforce, ever the standard-bearer of sustainability, has answered this call, vowing to reduce emissions associated with its cloud services and spearhead the adoption of green cloud technologies.

We urgently need to decarbonize the cloud industry if we want to avert a climate crisis. It’s imperative that we leverage innovation to develop sustainable solutions and advance the development of renewable energy sources. The Net Zero Cloud Pledge is a compass guiding us toward a cleaner, greener horizon.

Hey, the clock’s ticking. Let’s decarbonize the cloud and secure a sustainable future for all. Join the Net Zero Cloud Pledge today!

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Salesforce is committed to using renewable energy sources to power its data centers. In fact, the company has already achieved 100% renewable energy usage for its data centers. This means that Salesforce is not only reducing its own carbon footprint but also supporting the development of renewable energy projects around the world.

One way that Salesforce is achieving its renewable energy goals is by purchasing renewable energy credits (RECs). RECs are tradable certificates that represent the environmental benefits of generating electricity from renewable sources. When Salesforce purchases RECs, it is essentially buying the right to claim the environmental benefits of that renewable energy generation. This helps to support the development of new renewable energy projects and reduces the overall carbon footprint of Salesforce’s operations.

Additional Details on REC Purchases

Salesforce’s purchase of RECs has a number of benefits, including:

  1. It helps to support the development of new renewable energy projects.
  2. It reduces the overall carbon footprint of Salesforce’s operations.
  3. It demonstrates Salesforce’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

Salesforce is a leader in the use of renewable energy, and its purchase of RECs is a key part of the company’s sustainability strategy. By investing in renewable energy, Salesforce is helping to create a cleaner, more sustainable future for all.

Carbon Offsetting

Salesforce is committed to making a positive environmental impact. As part of this commitment, Salesforce invests in carbon offset projects to further reduce its carbon footprint. Carbon offsetting is a way to compensate for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by investing in projects that reduce or remove GHGs from the atmosphere. Salesforce invests in a variety of carbon offset projects, including forestry, renewable energy, and energy efficiency projects. These projects are located all over the world and are verified by third-party organizations to ensure that they are credible and effective. By investing in carbon offset projects, Salesforce is helping to reduce its carbon footprint and make a positive contribution to the environment.

Renewable Energy

Salesforce is committed to using renewable energy to power its operations. Renewable energy is energy that comes from natural resources, such as the sun, wind, and water. Salesforce has set a goal of using 100% renewable energy by 2022. To achieve this goal, Salesforce is investing in renewable energy projects around the world. Salesforce has already purchased enough renewable energy to cover 100% of its electricity usage in the United States and Europe. Salesforce is also working to reduce its energy consumption by implementing energy-efficient measures in its offices and data centers.

Sustainable Supply Chain

Salesforce is working to create a more sustainable supply chain. A sustainable supply chain is one that minimizes environmental and social impacts. Salesforce is working with its suppliers to reduce their carbon emissions, conserve water, and use recycled materials. Salesforce is also working to improve the working conditions of its suppliers’ employees. By creating a more sustainable supply chain, Salesforce is helping to reduce its environmental footprint and make a positive social impact.

Water Conservation

Salesforce is committed to conserving water. Water is a precious resource, and Salesforce is working to use water more efficiently in its operations. Salesforce has set a goal of reducing its water consumption by 20% by 2022. To achieve this goal, Salesforce is implementing water-efficient measures in its offices and data centers. Salesforce is also working with its suppliers to reduce their water consumption. By conserving water, Salesforce is helping to protect this precious resource.

Sustainable Practices

Salesforce Sustainability

Salesforce, a renowned provider of cloud-based software solutions, is committed to sustainability in its operations. Beyond reducing its own environmental footprint, Salesforce actively promotes sustainable practices among its employees and customers.

Reducing Paper Consumption

Salesforce has implemented various initiatives to minimize paper usage. Digital documents and electronic signatures are widely adopted, reducing the need for printing. Moreover, the company promotes the use of recycled paper and encourages employees to print only when absolutely necessary.

Encouraging Public Transportation

Salesforce recognizes the importance of commuting sustainability. The company offers incentives for employees who utilize public transportation, such as subsidies for public transit passes. Additionally, Salesforce provides shuttles and other transportation options to facilitate the use of public transportation.

Employee Engagement

Salesforce actively engages its employees in sustainability efforts. Through employee affinity groups and training programs, the company educates and empowers its workforce to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.

Customer Sustainability

Salesforce extends its sustainability initiatives to its customers. The company offers cloud-based solutions that help customers reduce their own environmental impact. Salesforce’s sustainability-focused features include energy efficiency tools, carbon reporting capabilities, and renewable energy procurement options.

Recognition and Awards

Salesforce’s commitment to sustainability has been recognized by several organizations. The company has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, CDP’s A List for Climate Change, and the FTSE4Good Index. These accolades acknowledge Salesforce’s leadership in promoting environmental responsibility.